buy Goat Head T Shirt

Goat Head T Shirt

Goat head t-shirt

Goats are amazing animals to look at they have their own strange way of doing things. And now you can carry around you own goat. This t-shirt shows a head of a goat staring at you as you are it’s friend.

It is 100% cotton t shirt, and is a very comfortable fit. And this goat t-shirt comes a wide selection of kids and adult sizes to make this goat face stick out of a perfectly fitting t-shirt.

This  hand dyed beautiful unique design t shirt as a 3D picture of a goats head almost covering the whole front with a cloud in the sky for the background.

So if you love goats and love to sight see. On your next trip to the zoo or a farm you can wear this unique Goat Head T-Shirt.