buy Cow Balloon

Cow Balloon

cute cow balloon

A perfect guest for any child’s party is this supersized and happy, huge cow balloon.

Of course this cow comes standard with black and white markings, this smiling character balloon is made of extra strong mylar and is complete in detail right down to the little hooves and horns.

The finished size is 30″ x 28 ” and is printed on both sides , be prepared for a full sized party animal.

These cow balloons have been reported to stay inflated for more than just a day and so you may be fortunate to have this guest around an extended visit.

This cow balloon is perfect for kiddie theme parties or other themed events, perhaps a few cow balloons would be the answer to decorating a large hall or as markers to guide folks to designated areas.

Not only are these balloons cute but they could actually prove useful, who knew?

Don’t expect milk from this cow but it is an amazing looking Cow Balloon.

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